June 27, 2010


Okay, so this was actually taken for YG audition but I couldn't get it uploaded in time.

March 18, 2010

Drama Review #2 : Full House (Korean Drama)

Title: Full House/풀하우스 / Pool Ha-woo-seu
Genre: Romance, Comedy
Episodes: 16
Broadcast network: KBS2
Broadcast period: 2004-Jul-14 to 2004-Sep-02


Han Ji Eun is a naive writer who got swindled out of everything she owned including her house by her best friends. Stranded in China, She managed to borrow money from an actor Lee Young Jae to return to Korea. On her return, she found out that her house was bought by Lee Young Jae. In an attempt to get her possessions back, she entered in a contract marriage with Young Jae for one year. In spite of losing all, Ji Eun manages to be cheerful and takes things in strike and the business relationship between the two becomes personal as they start to rely and care for each other. Based on a popular manhwa of the same title.

Bi as Lee Young Jae
Song Hye Kyo as Han Ji Eun
Han Eun Jung as Kang Hye Won
Kim Sung Soo as Yoo Min Hyuk



My Overall Rating: 9.5/10

Storyline: 8.5/10

Acting: 9/10

Effectiveness: 10/10

First thing is first, I was never a fan of Bi (Rain) therefore I completely forgot the fact that he was even the star of this drama before I watched it (I didn't even know what his face looked like.)

My previous knowledge before being introduced to the drama was this:

-Rain was in this? (what I knew about him: Good dancer, Model, Singer, Actor?)

-Good drama

That was it.

So I went ahead and watched it.

It was brilliant.

Several times in the drama, it brought me to tears as in bawling my eyes out. And throughout the entire series I was thinking: Dude! How can you be so stupid?! You should be doing this or doing that!

And thus, you would know I was really into the drama.

Love: The build-up of the relationships in the characters weren't too rushed, they went at a nice even pace when it came to getting over old love, getting into new love and the process of denial and acceptence. I gotta say, this drama kinda brings all the fangirl's dreams to life. I mean, having a celebrity that you suddenly meet and being forced to marry and live with them. It's nice in some ways right? Well either way, between the love and the comedy of the two main characters, it's the most beautifully acted thing you can find. Time to fall in love with Rain all over again! (Or start anyways :P )

Credits to: http://www.alldramafanatic.blogspot.com/ <-- Download link.

January 26, 2010

Drama Review #1: The Mysterious Incredible Terminator (Pi Li Mit)

  • Title: 霹靂MIT / Pi Li MIT

  • English title: Mysterious Incredible Terminator

  • Also known as: The Clue Collector

  • Genre: Mystery, suspense, school, romance

  • Episodes: 16

  • Broadcast network: FTV / GTV

  • Broadcast period: 2008-Nov-07 to 2009-Feb-20 / 2008-Nov-08 to 2009-Feb-21

  • Air time: Friday 22:00 / Saturday 23:00

  • Opening theme song: Dong Mai (動脈) Artery by Fahrenheit

  • Ending theme song: Re Xue Jing Shen (熱血精神) Red-Blooded Spirit by Christine Fan


The legend of a team called MIT secretly protecting Sheng Ying School was never public acknowledged but nonetheless spread wildly among the student body. For some reason, the team had disappeared and evil began to rack havoc in the school. The last remaining member of MIT, Teacher Cherry, decided to recruit the badest of all bad students, 007, 187, 747 and Tian Mo Xing, to form a new generation of MIT who would solve the crimes and restore the school back to its former glory.


My Overall Rating: 8.5/10

Storyline: 9/10

Acting: 8/10

Effectiveness: 8/10

I had actually started watching this drama as it was airing on TV but then soon gave up on it because the beginning was good but not as captivating as I thought it would be. What's more is that the episodes were particularily long (approx. 1hour 15 minutes including songs.) And so I didn't have much patience to watch it (though I wanted to support Arron Yan who stars in this drama.) I started watching it due to the fact that I needed something to do on my bus rides to and from school.

Overall, I thought that Pi Li Mit was a good drama, particularily because it isn't the typical love drama and not the typical horror drama. The storyline behind it actually builds to the end through several other storylines which is really creative in my sense and at the end, it all ties up.

The relationship between characters are changed and left mysterious even until the end, revealing bit by bit but having enough to make the ending stand out.

Personally, I think that the acting for each character had been different considering the fact that each actor themselves have come from different entertainment background. Arron through the music industry, Gui Gui through acting and singing in a large group, Xiao Gui being a television host. The only constant actors I know of were Christine Fan and Lu Ting Wei.

Love: Of course, if it were up to me, Gui Gui and Arron, (or in this case Lucifer and 007) would've never been together due to the fact that...well I don't like them together. But in this drama, they actually seemed to match, making me accept the fact that, though they probably would be a horrible couple in real life, they have a chance as Lucifer and 007. I didn't want to watch the drama due to the fact that I knew I would cry as their romance progressed, and it's true, I did, but in a way, their relationship was interesting...which is where I'm leaving at now.

All in all, I do suggest that people out there would watch this drama because it is a good drama and different from the typical romance or whatever drama.

credits too: wiki.d-addicts & AllDramaFanatic

Download Link: AllDramaFanatic

January 11, 2010

My Life : 2010 Part 1 - Music, Dramas, Exams, Winter Break

Hey guyss!~

Wazzup? Haven't been blogging in a while and well, I decided that I would finally write something to pass the time. What more to write about than...well all the fun lil asian stuffs coming up.

It's 2010! New year, and definately more memories to produce. This year, I celebrated New Years and countdown at my aunt's house. Christmas was spent at my house where we had...you guessed it! Hot Pot! 2009 Christmas Party was extreme. We karaoke'd for a good 3-4 hours and eventually gave up on trying to find songs, so we moved onto cards! Intense very very intense but it was a lot of fun. On New Years Eve, we had buffet at Buffet King, it was nice and then we went back to my aunt's house for countdown and more karaoke. ^^

So in January, my favourite band - Fahrenheit, was supposed to release their 4th album. But almost expectedly, their release was delayed because they didn't have enough time to record, each member busy with their own filming for dramas, and many sicknesses going on between them, they had recorded 5 songs. But then in an interview, Arron had confirmed that their album release will be in August, so I guess thats 7 more months of waiting, but its worth it. :)

Also, over the break, I had finished watching Arron Yan's drama, Pi Li Mit also known as Clue Collectors. Honestly, I never thought that Arron, out of all members, would've been a wonderful actor, enough to support a leading role anyways. But it was WONDERFUL. 007 is like the cutest most caring boyfriend in the land of forever! Thank you to Arron for bringing such a character to life.

Currently, I am watching the drama "Love Contract" starring Ariel Lin and Mike He. A few months ago I had been interested in the drama already now, I finally have the chance to watch it. More to come about that later. Credits to alldramafanatics.blogspot.com.

So busy now-a-days! Like goodness! In less than three weeks, exams will begin for me and well, my first exam is more than literally around the corner. This Friday is my first playing test for music and the monday after, being my accompinament test. The Wednesday after will be my written music exam. INCREDIBLE. Too much music to learn, too little time. Best of luck to all the people out there that will to be examining within the next few weeks.

Exams marks the end of semester 1. This semester I had Music, Science, Geography and French. Basically, it was all easy. At first, I had gotten tired of having all these classes over and over again I mean, it's my first year of highschool and we never really had this kind of stuff before right? But the more I got used to the schedule, the closer I got to my classmates. And unfortunately, I don't have the same people in my classes next semester, but I'm glad to say that at least we have four years together after all right?

I'll stop rambling on about random stuff now. It's fun living a normal life now ^^ The past is the past and now I know, the past isn't something that can be changed no matter what happens so best live the way you want to now, in the present and in the future. DON'T WORRY BE HAPPY! CHEERS! HAVE A HAPPY 2010!

September 16, 2009

08.30.09 Tears of a Broken Heart. Unable to Heal.

At this very moment, my heart feels heavy of depression. No, not over an unhealed heart. Well not my heart anyways. But that of my angel, knight of shining armour *okay I'm overexaggerating* Arron Yan. Many of you may be thinking "well here she goes again, proclaiming her love to one she'd never even met. An idol who is 10 years (more or less) older than her and probably doesn't even know of her existence."

Truth is, you're right. But the reality of things is that, regardless whether or not I've met him, I truly do still love him. Sure, not in the way of a boyfriend or lover. But the fact that he is an idol, an upperclass man to me that I look up to and he had taught me a lot in life. Not by his songs, but by his past and his work efforts for his fans.

Down to earth as he is, he admitted "I'm unable to heal from my past relationship because I am the type to give my all to the person I love." His words, as peainful as it is, revealed that he too is human, to those who aren't cleared up about it in a first place. He too has a life. Many times, he's given his heart and had done everything in his power to make that person happy, yet at the end, he's the one getting hurt.

In this particular article/ interview, his ex had used him for his money and his title as a celebrity.

Knowing this, I now think to myself, why do people do that? Is it not right that they would know that if they were in the celebrit's situation that they too would be hurt. And to think that Arron gave up so much for that one girl only to be backstabbed because she wanted the advantage's of being a celeb's gf.

Well newsflash, there is karma in this world. Hurting someone so despicably even afer all that they've given you? Sure, I love him. All his fans love him. But I've learnt my lesson from the past, I wouldn't goo around claiming to love him enough to be his gf until I know for sure I love the Wu GengLin Arron in him. Not the crazy awesome singer/ star he's become. In fact, because I'd be doubting myself, unless he loves me back (in which case I'd be sure I knew him by then,) I would very much prefer to be a friend or a sister to him.

It's just...I understand why someone would do it. But it hurts me so much to see him like this, unable to love again.

Like I had mentioned before. I love Arron not only because of his talent and personality but because of the things he'd made me realize.

Today's lesson: Love like there's no tomorrow. But while receiving, live up to your committment and your words. You never know who might be watching. A broken bone heals with time but a broken heart is forzen in tears, scars and misery.

August 31, 2009

What I Want For Christmas

A list of fantasy gifts I want for Christmas (or anytime really.) Once read, you would know obviously that it's if I had the money or I could get it completely customized. Will be updated accordingly.


` music box that plays "MoMo" by Fahrenheit, lullaby ver.
-size: small, about the size of wedding ring case.
-mirror under top cover
-mini crystal that shines naturl light (placed on spinning platform)
-has a key and lock
- signed by Arron
-has name engraved on spinning platform
-much preferred in light pink (box)

Angel Singing To Me

Recently I had finished composing my first song. The song is entitled "Angel Singing To Me." It was inspired by my most common source of inspiration, Taiwan's own boyband, Fahrenheit's Arron Yan.

Why I wrote this song? I don't really have a clue except that when I was washing dishes on night, because it's one of those things that only keeps your mind busy, I ended up thinking of lyrics.

Immediately after I had finished, I say down and wrote out the words resembling my feelings towards Arron.

The song's basic purpose is that I'm telling people the words I've always wanted to say towards this one person.

Everytime I listen to him sing, my heart goes ecstatic and it makes my day. His laugh, a cheerful laughter that tells you he's not holding back. It's a sign of happiness for me.

Him being my number one idol, I envy his voice, his talent and most of all, him being able to express himself or having the nerve to express his real thoughts regardless the public's opinion. He's able to be himself yet make the fans happy all in one. It's also the fact that he's constantly risking his health and putting his career before anything else. Proof of his exhaustion yet great amounts of effort are shown throughout his career in talk shows, news reports, constant visits to the hospital, during concerts, and most sacrificing of all, not being able to know about his grandfather's death in which his family had hidden from him for weeks.

I wrote this song based not on his life. But based on the way his voice effects me. A pure devotion to Arron's talent, not about his hard work, something that brings me to misery in which no words can describe.

Everytime I hear about his injuries, bad health conditions, lack of sleep, and emotional worries, my world plunges into darkness in which words can not comply. I shed tears for him, as do all his fans, in hoping one day he can do what he enjoys best without harm and knowing that no matter what, he has the support of us.

This song I wrote was a mere dedication to him, only 1000 words can even come close to my support and belief in him.

http://bonbonxlildevil.blogspot.com/2009/08/angel-singing-to-me.html (rough lyrics, had been changed from that time)